Thursday, March 1, 2012

WA: Jockeys jailed over gang rape = 2

AAP General News (Australia)
WA: Jockeys jailed over gang rape = 2

In the WA District Court today, Judge Michael Muller said four of the youths had subjected
the woman to a "prolonged, sordid and humiliating" series of sex attacks at their quarters
on May 22 last year.

He said the seriousness of the crimes was compounded by their premeditated nature,
their lengthy duration and the use of force, increasing the victim's humiliation and distress.

The two ringleaders of the attack, both aged 16 at the time and both apprentice jockeys,
were ordered to serve minimum terms of four years' detention for deprivation of liberty,
aggravated indecent assault and multiple counts of aggravated sexual penetration.

A third teenager, now aged 19, will serve a sentence of three years and six months
in an adult prison for his involvement in the sex attacks. He was 17 at the time of the

A 17-year-old schoolboy also involved in the sexual assault will be behind bars for
at least 14 months, while the two teenagers convicted only of deprivation of liberty received
12-month intensive youth supervision orders.

Judge Muller said although none of the youths were likely to reoffend, none had shown
any remorse and all still believed the woman had consented to the sex acts.

Parents and friends in the public gallery sobbed as the sentences were read out and
two of the teenagers also were in tears.

Lawyers for five of the teenagers have lodged appeals against their convictions.

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