Thursday, March 1, 2012

Vic: Fire causes major damage in Victoria's north

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Fire causes major damage in Victoria's north

MELBOURNE, Aug 14 AAP - A fire has ripped through the tiny town of Pyramid Hill in
Victoria's north, destroying two shops and causing damage estimated at more than $500,000.

A cafe and an adjoining newsagency/post office in the main street were burnt to the
ground in the fire this morning.

Country Fire Authority (CFA) spokesman, Bill Johnstone, said about 30 firefighters
fought the blaze to prevent it from spreading to nearby premises.

"The old timber structures, and the high fire load in the newsagency, meant that the
fire spread very rapidly through both businesses," he said.

The CFA was called to the scene after a man noticed the flames on his way to work about 2.45am.

"The buildings were fully alight by the time the brigades arrived," Mr Johnstone said.

A spokesman from Pyramid Hill police said it was too early to tell if the fire was
deliberately lit.

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