Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: Sydney man free on $500k bail after drug seizure

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Sydney man free on $500k bail after drug seizure

EDS: Changes from keyword GBH

A Sydney man is free on half a million dollars bail .. after allegedly attempting to
import a date rape drug bought over the internet.

27-year-old ANDREW CHARLES CORBETT of Surry Hills .. is charged with attempting to
import 4 kilos of gamma butyrolactone .. used to make liquid ecstasy .. or GBH.

The Central Local Court's been told Australian Customs intercepted the drug when it
arrived in two parcels sent from a business address in the UK .. and addressed to a post
office box leased by CORBETT.

CORBETT will be back in court on October 25.

CORBETT's bail is conditional upon reporting to police daily .. surrendering his Australian
and British passports .. remaining in greater Sydney .. and staying away from airports.

An Australian Federal Police fact sheet says the self-employed landscape gardener had
84 vials containing GBL .. or traces of the drug .. at his house.

The fact sheet says CORBETT's drug supplier provided him with a one-litre replacement
bottle of GBL after the first parcel was intercepted by Customs.

He told police he kept half the amount for himself and friends .. and gave the rest
to the person who told him he could buy the drug on the internet.

Police said CORBETT wouldn't say whether he intended to sell or distribute the second parcel.

CORBETT's charged with two counts of attempting to import a commercial quantity of
border-controlled drug .. and one count of possessing a trafficable quantity of a controlled

AAP RTV kjd/hn/srp/bart


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