Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FED:Australian animals mistreated in Turkey

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Australian animals mistreated in Turkey

Graphic new footage released by Animals Australia shows breaches of international guidelines
when animals are slaughtered in Turkish abattoirs.

The footage was shot covertly by two members of the group at three abattoirs in Turkey,
a new market for Australian live exports.

The first part shows conscious cows being hoisted in the air by a hind leg at an abattoir
near the city of Bursa.

The beasts swing out over the floor and their throats are cut, in some cases with a
stabbing motion instead of a clean cut.

Animals Australia cruelty investigator LYN WHITE says this is contrary to international
guidelines, which stipulate animals must not be hoisted while conscious and slaughterers
must be able to reach both sides of the animal's neck.

The second part of the footage shows sheep in another abattoir in Bursa, which were
similarly slaughtered, but the group couldn't confirm they were Australian.

The release of the footage came soon after two bills to phase out the export of live
animals were defeated in parliament.

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