Friday, March 2, 2012

Fed: Labor urges govt to appoint new communications minister

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Labor urges govt to appoint new communications minister

Labor is calling on the federal government to immediately replace Communications Minister

Mr WILLIAMS yesterday announced his surprise decision to leave federal politics to
spend more time with his family.

Although Mr WILLIAMS won't contest his safe West Australian seat of Tangney at the
next election he'll remain Communications Minister until after the poll.

The election's expected to be held later this year.

Opposition communications spokesman LINDSAY TANNER says a new minister should be appointed
to deal with major issues such as telecommunications pricing, pay TV, media regulation
and sports broadcasting.

He says during Mr WILLIAMS' six months in the job he's done virtually nothing.

Mr TANNER says if Prime Minister JOHN HOWARD doesn't remove Mr WILLIAMS from his portfolio,
then it will confirm the arrogance of a tired government that's run out of ideas.

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